Fall 2015 Proposal

Pathways Seminar Proposal Background In lieu of recent changes to the attendance policy, tardy policy and homework policy, Pathways faces the need to re-examine our policies to best shift student norms.  Our attendance committee and academic accountability committee have both met to discuss potential solutions to account for these changes.  The attendance committee is currently […]

Restless February

I unabashedly bash February. At work, with friends, with family, with myself. The topic is like stale gossip-it felt good to vent and spew when I started but now feels old and empty.  My distaste for February emerged out of the very real dreariness of the month and hearing my mom lament about the never-ending […]

Pubs vs. Clubs

[Originally published February 2, 2013] Whenever I tell friends and relatives that I’m studying abroad in Ireland, the first question to follow is, “Have you tried the Guinness?” Yes, I have.  To be in Ireland and not have a Guinness is like going to Madison and saying you never tried cheese or attended a Badger […]


We are brought up to understand justice through simple and clean frames.  Good guys lead happy lives and bad guys pay the price.  Religion, parents, even pop culture tell us this is the order of society.   But, what about when life’s disasters prove more complex and the offender does not fit the stereotypical “guilty” […]